Groups for Children and Families

Spectrum, a Sunday club especially for children aged 4 – 11 takes place during term time. The first Sunday of the month we worship All Together in church. For further details please contact Rev Anne

Children’s Sanctuary – is at the back of church containing child friendly activities for the under 4s. Parents and carers are able to stay with them whilst also being part of the service.


Messy Church returns this Autumn on Tuesday 15th October.

Arrive at 3:15pm for after school snacks in the church, then a 3:30pm start and we finish at 5pm with a hot meal for everyone.

Messy Church is for children of any age with their parents and carers, and involves craft and other activities and age-appropriate worship. Everyone is welcome to join this congregation of friendly people and find out how worshipping Jesus can be really ‘messy’!!  

Subsequent sessions will take place on Tuesdays 12th November and 10th December.

Please contact the St Paul’s Parish Office if you would like to be added to our Messy Church Families mailing list. 



Holy Molies  A ‘café-style’ baby & toddler group which meets on Fridays during term time from 9:30am to 11:15am. Coffee/tea & home-made cake for adults and a fruity snack for children will be served from 9:30am in church. Please bring a drink for your child. We have quiet games, toys and books in the ‘café area’ and a craft activity and big toys available in the Parish Room.

Holy Molies includes a bible-themed story time and singing. All are welcome! Please enter via the main church doors.

Find Us

St Paul’s Church, Church Rd
East Molesey, KT8 9DR
020 8941 2071
Registered Charity 1127837

We are on the corner of Church and Palace Roads.

© 2023 - St Paul's Church, East Molesey

Web Design by James Alex Hall